Big Pictures Supplies Korea And China With Bollywood Flavour

Ghajini is the First Indian Action Film to Reach Korea While China Purchases Rights for 13B, Luck By Chance, Karzzzz and Rock On!!

Mumbai, September 15, 2009: A tattoo-laden Aamir Khan and the petite Asin have found a strong base across the world, BIG Pictures — Reliance Big Entertainment’s (RBEL) motion picture brand has sold the rights to Ghajini in Korea. Additionally, BIG Pictures has sold the broadcast and digital rights to four of its films to China. The four films to make their way to China and which have been box-office hits in India include: 13B, Luck By Chance, Karzzzz and Rock On!!

The sale of the theatrical, broadcasting and digital rights to Ghajini in Korea marks the first time an Indian action film has reached the shores of this South Asian nation, which has an appetite for action films. At the same time, BIG Pictures which has produced and/or distributed recent hits including: 13B, Luck By Chance, Karzzzz and Rock On!! has sold the broadcast and digital rights to China-based CC TV. These two new developments in the entertainment arena reflect BIG Pictures¿ initiative to spread the popularity of Indian cinema into new territories.

Commenting on the sales, Jawahar Sharma, COO of International Film Business at BIG Pictures said: “Within just a year of its launch, our international sales team has tapped into major markets for the proliferation of Indian cinema. Indian cinema is gaining ground with the entry of Ghajini into Korea and our four titles into China. China is a crucial market because of its size, and we are happy that we have found warm welcome into the largest country in the world.”

BIG Pictures continues to educate worldwide audiences on the diverse facets of Indian culture through its Bollywood cinema as evidence by Ghajini, 13B, Luck By Chance, Karzzzz and Rock On!!, which have now successfully penetrated the South Asian markets.

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